Scholarship Search

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Scholarships (822)

25th Anniversary Pharmacy Endowment - CPHS-Pharm

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in good academic standing who are enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.

A. C. and Aliene Greene Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a course of study leading toward a law degree.

A. G. and Lois Bullard Missions Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who indicate academic ability and great promise for Christian ministry.

A. L. Hicks Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are preparing for ministry as pastor and/or other church staff positions. Preferences: 1) students from VA; 2) students from NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Abraham Oudeh Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Acteens Day Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of any Hispanic church congregation; 2) any qualified students

Addie Currie P. Dixon Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students preparing for Christian ministry.

Addie White Peedin Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Smithfield, NC; 2) students from Johnston County; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Alan Albert Harper Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate Education students.

Albert and Betty Gregory Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Albert and Mattie Morris Rozar Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Business Law, Business Administration or Pre-Law.

Albert G. Myers Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Gaston County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Algernon S. Sullivan Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who demonstrate exemplary personal character and a commitment to service above self.

Allen and Betty Schilpp Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in the study of Trust Management.

Allen-Bostic Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Elizabethtown Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, NC; 2) students from Bladen County, NC

Allene and Jesse Alphin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Allison Anderson Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Biology with aspirations to go into veterinary medicine.

Alton and Mary Johnson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a course of study in one or more of the fine arts programs.

Alumni/Friends of CU Law at Womble Carlyle Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Amy Strickland Hall Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in courses of study offered by the School of Education and who have satisfactorily demonstrated both academic ability and financial need. Preferences: 1) undergraduate students from New Hanover County, NC; 2) undergraduate students from NC; 3) all other undergraduate students

Andrea Byrd Rainey Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students indicating academic ability, having financial need and enrolled in a program leading to a career as a school teacher or a member of the school teaching profession. Preferences: 1) students from Camp Ground United Methodist Church (Fayetteville, NC), Lillington United Methodist Church (Lillington, NC) or Angier Baptist Church (Angier, NC)

Andrew Rufus Yarborough, Lollie Bell Yarborough Frazier, and Clarence P. Frazier Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are Religion majors. Preferences: 1) members of Harmony Baptist Church, Route 1, Bunnlevel, NC; 2) residents of the Town of Lillington, NC; 3) residents of Harnett County, NC

Andy Creed Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have an interest in the field of history or religion and shall be based on both need and the ability of each student.

Angier Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) student from Angier Baptist Church

Ann M. and Robert Calabria Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Law School. Preferences: 1) military spouse who is pursuing a legal career; 2) student with children who is pursuing a legal career; 3) student who is pursuing law as a second career

Anne Alphin Hobson Undergraduate Nursing Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Dept. of Nursing (BS) Program in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who are graduates of a high school in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who are graduates of a high school in Johnston or Sampson County; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Anonymous Divinity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) resident of Lenoir County; 2) resident of NC

Antioch Baptist Church Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students. Preferences: 1) members of Antioch Baptist Church, family members of Antioch Baptist Church; 2) residents of Mamers, NC; 3) residents of Harnett County, NC; 4) residents of NC

Austre C. and W. Conard Gass Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Social Science who have given indication of academic ability and financial need.

B. Donald Keyser Memorial Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

Bank of America School of Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are pursuing a degree in Trust Management.

Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a North Carolina Baptist church cooperating with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, as defined in Article IV., A., 3. of the Constitution of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina

Bar-Bri Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Law.

Barge and Patterson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are juniors or seniors majoring in history or one of the humanities.

Bat Fellowship of Angier Div.


Becky T. Kelly Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management.

Bellefeuille, Dennis Trust

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) student pursuing a major in the field of Trust and Wealth Management; 2) students in the School of Business who display financial need

Ben and Patrice Thompson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) graduates of Campbell University; 2) residents of NC

Benjamin Hawkins Trust Education Foundation Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management in the School of Business.

Benson Baptist Church Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have financial need and/or demonstrate academic ability. Preferences: 1) member of a family of Benson Baptist Church of Benson, NC; 2) qualified person from South Johnston High School attendance area of Johnston County, NC; 3) qualified Baptist from NC selected by the Scholarship Committee

Bernard and Virginia McLeod Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who are members of the Fuquay-Varina United Methodist Church

Bernard F. and Virginia C. McLeod Undergraduate Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to award one or more scholarships in each school year tp such undergraduate student(s) who is a promising young person of Christian faith and a citizen of the United States with demonstrated financial need. 

Bervin and Shirley Ferguson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Bessie W. Moss Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to female students. Preferences: 1) students who come from single parent families and have real financial need

Bethany Rush Cartledge Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry.

Betty A. and Clyde J. Rhyne Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Lee County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Betty J. and Hylton W. Wright Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Beverly Massey Women in Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to female students indicating academic ability and having financial need in the Law School.

Billy and Hilda M. Small Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Columbus County, NC; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Billy Kim Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) students from South Korea; 2) international students; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Blanton and Mamie Hartness Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Blanton Hartness Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy who demonstrate need.

Bobby and Janet Hall, Sr. Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Lee County; 2) residents of NC

Bobby and Pauline Strickland Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students of high moral and spiritual character indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) natives of Sampson County, NC; 2) natives of the State of NC

Bobby Hall Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School who demonstrate need.

Bonita H. and Joe D. Floyd, Sr. Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Bonner and Wilma Jones Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church, Richlands; 2) graduates of Richlands High School; 3) residents of Onslow County; 4) residents of the State of NC

Bonnie Calvert Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to rising sophomore or rising junior students majoring in Education, have a 2.5 grade point average, and fill out an application form which asks the applicant several questions, including why the applicant wants the award and why the applicant wants to be a teacher.

Bonnie M. Davis Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students expressing an interest in pursuing a career in business or the medical field and should be the first in his/her family to have enrolled in a college or university. Preferences: 1) students from Hoke County High School, Raeford, NC

Boyette, Wanda L Nursing Sch#2

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a Nursing degree in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences based on financial need. Preferences: 1) students from Johnston and Sampson Counties, NC

Boyette, Wanda L Pharm Sch#1

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a Pharmacy degree in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences based on financial need. Preferences: 1) students from Johnston and Sampson Counties, NC

Bratton, Emily MBA Sch Fnd

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) students in the final year of the accelerated five-year BBA/MBA program who undergraduate major is in the field of Trust & Wealth Management

Bratton, Wm & Sara Phar/Hlt Sc

This scholarship is awarded to full-time graduate students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) full-time graduate students pursuing a dual degree including the Doctor of Pharmacy and a graduate degree pertaining to health sciences; 2) full-time graduate students pursuing the Doctor of Pharmacy degree

Brenda Joyce Holland Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students displaying a keen interest and ability in dramatics.

Brian Harrington Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Arts and Sciences PharmD program. Preferences: 1) students who demonstrate financial need

Brie Reynolds Kappa Psi Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Requirements: 1) a current Brother of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Delta Lambda Chapter at Campbell University and a current Pharmacy student; 2) in good academic standing in the School of Pharmacy with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater; 3) submit a 500 word or less essay demonstrating why the student possesses the characteristics that Brie exemplified (she was outgoing, involved, spontaneous, open minded, optimistic, modest and dependable)

Brodie B. and Jessie L. Baker Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Bruce and Lelia Blackmon Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School.

Bryan Foundation Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC that have the greatest needs and greatest ability

Bryan, Raymond Jr Engineering

This scholarship is awarded to student(s) seeking a degree in Engineering. First preference is awarded to student(s) from Wayne County in North Carolina. Second preference is awarded to student(s) from North Carolina.

Buffaloe, Julian & Fannie Div


Burns-Woodlief Law Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) rising 2L or 3L student ranked in the top 15 of the class and who is a member of the school's outside moot court teams; 2) student ranked in the top 15

Burt and Thelma Lewis Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a Baptist church in Goldsboro; 2) members of a Baptist church in Wayne County; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

Byrd, Angela Stewart Nursing

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Nursing. Preferences: 1) students from Harnett County; 2) students from Wilson County; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

C & D Insurance Agency Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Law School indicating academic ability, having financial need, and promise of future usefulness to his/her community. Preferences: 1) students from Angier area of Harnett, Johnston and Wake Counties of NC; 2) any other worthy and need student from Harnett, Johnston and Wake Counties of NC; 3) worthy and needy students from any location in NC

C. R. and Margaret White Byrd Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Alamance or Harnett Counties; 2) residents of NC

Camel Company Alumni CAS/ROTC

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences ROTC program. Criteria: 1) all candidates must be in good standing with Campbell University academic, honor and student codes and policies, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, as well as having demonstrated ROTC program proficiency skills including character and leadership traits consistent with Army values and the Campbell ROTC program as determined by the ROTC PMS; 2) preference is for two $500 awards to be given annually to one sophomore and one junior ROTC cadet that meets the first criteria. The ROTC PMS reserves the right to select two sophomores or two juniors should there not be a qualified sophomore and junior in a given year; 3) awards shall be announced in a spring ROTC ceremony (freshman and sophomore year of recipients) with the funds posting to their fall (sophomore and junior) financial aid packages

Campbell U Alum Bus Fellow Such

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Business Fellows Program; 2) full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business

Campbell University Alumni Association Education Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) child of an alumnus or alumna

Campbell University Board of Ministers Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need who are residents of NC and have answered the call to the gospel ministry.

Carl and Jewell Coleman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry.

Carl Brian Michael Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing an undergraduate degree leading to a Christian vocation.

Carl G. Ward Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in Business Administration.

Carl W. Garrison Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Davidson County, NC

Carlton and Lynell Martin Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) employees or family members of employees of Martin Abattoir Wholesale Meats, Inc. (excludes family members of donors); 2) members of Clement Missionary Baptist Church, Autryville, NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Carlton and Lynell Martin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Clement Missionary Baptist Church, Autryville, NC; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Carlton and Lynell Martin Physical Therapy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Preferences: 1) employees or family members of employees of Martin Abattoir Wholesale Meats, Inc. (excludes family members of donors); 2) members of Clement Missionary Baptist Church, Autryville, NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Carlton and Lynell Martin Physician Assistant Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Physician Assistant program; Preferences: 1) employees or family members of employees of Martin Abattoir Wholesale Meats, Inc. (excludes family members of donors); 2) members of Clement Missionary Baptist Church, Autryville, NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Carlton T. Mitchell Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School who are deemed to possess personal attributes that offer promise of the exemplary vocational service consistently rendered by Dr. Carlton T. Mitchell throughout his life.

Carlyle G. Eure Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Carol and Jewell Coleman Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of business.

Caroline and Rebecca Etheridge Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Carolyn Bond Morrison Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are worthy candidates in the Master of School Administration Program in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Wake County, NC; 2) residents of Robeson County, NC; 3) residents of Harnett County or any other worthy NC students

Carroll Family Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) students with a demonstrated financial need; 2) students with a strong interest in community pharmacy; 3) students from Johnston County or Eastern NC; 4) Scholarship Committee selection

Carroll, Betty Chuch Music

This scholarship is awarded to junior or senior students or graduate students who are enrolled in the Church Music and Worship Concentration curriculum of the Master of Divinity Program, are in need of financial assistance and demonstrate a dedication to serve as a church music minister. Preferences: 1) residents of Cumberland County, NC; 2) residents of Sampson County, NC; 3) residents of NC; 4) Scholarship Committee selection

Cashion-Childress Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy program in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) Doctor of Pharmacy students pursuing a joint Pharm.D. and MBA in the second, third or fourth year of Pharmacy School; 2) residents of NC

Casteel, Dr. Laura Pharm

This scholarship is awarded to full-time Doctor of Pharmacy students in their second year (P2) with the intention to practice hospital pharmacy in some capacity. Preferences: 1) academic merit not financial need

Catherine Coughlin Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) student pursuing a doctorate of pharmacy degree who has demonstrated great dedication to both academics and leadership

Caton and Linda Shermer Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Business.

Cecil and Dorothy Fisher Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Cedar Falls Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Cedar Falls Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the New South River Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

Center Baptist Church Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have financial need and/or demonstrate academic ability. Preferences: 1) member of a family attending Center Baptist Church of Wade, NC provided that at least one member of that family is a member of Center Baptist Church; 2) qualified person from the New South River Baptist Association; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Charles and Ada Compton Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Charles and Alma Howard Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are residents of Harnett County who have graduated from high school and for nonresidents of Harnett County who have graduated from a high school located within Harnett County.

Charles and Bonnie Wiggs Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Charles and Frances Leeds Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students studying for the ministry who exemplify hard work, sacrifice and achievement; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Charles and Gloria Allard Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) any member of Westwood Baptist Church, Cary, NC; 2) any qualified students

Charles and Jean Allen Divinity Hispanic Endowment

The purposes of this fund are to provide scholarship assistance and emergency aid (non-tuition expenses) for students from Hispanic churches enrolling in the Associate of Divinity program or to provide scholarship assistance and emergency aid (non-tuition expenses) for students studying for preparation as Hispanic church leaders.

Charles and Midge Carpenter Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Westfield Baptist Church; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Charles and Moretta Edgerton Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a Baptist church in Harnett County; 2) members of a Baptist church in Wake County; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

Charles and Muriel Lennon Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Supply Baptist Church, Supply, NC; 2) residents of Brunswick or Pender County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Charles and Sue Dorman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Charles and Virginia Adams Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County, NC; 2) residents of NC; 3) any qualified students

Charles D. "Skip" Fox, IV School of Business Trust Endowment

The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time undergraduate student pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management. 

Charles H. Warwick Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Cherry, Russell T. Divinity

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students preparing to serve in full-time Christian ministry, preferably to women in ministry and students of color, but all students are eligible; 2) students showing financial need

Cherry,Russell Christ Studies

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Christian Ministries Dept. Preferences: 1) students who are preparing to serve in full-time Christian ministry; 2) students showing financial need that are enrolled in the Christian Studies Dept.

Cheshire-Schneider Advocacy Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to incoming law students who have achieved demonstrable success in advocacy programs such as debate or mock trial during high school and/or college experiences.

Christopher Furtick Engineering Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students seeking a degree in Engineering (BSE) in the School of Engineering. Preferences: 1) students from the Apex area; 2) students from Wake County or Harnett County; 3) high school soccer player; 4) Scholarship Committee selection

Clara Booth Byrd Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students (excluding seniors) who show a solid ability in the writing of poetry, fiction, drama, or the editing of such material for publication. Each applicant must submit five poems, three short stories/or one chapter of a longer work, a one act play/Act I of a longer work or three examples of editorial work with a creative writing magazine and a copy of his/her transcripts and SAT scores (if available).

Clara J. McCauley Endowment - AS-MUS

This scholarship is awarded to students who have at least an average academic background in high school and college, be a person of integrity, high moral character, in need of financial assistance and capable of satisfactory academic achievement at the college level.

Clara J. McCauley Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to students who have at least an average academic background in high school and college, be a person of integrity, high moral character, in need of financial assistance and capable of satisfactory academic achievement at the college level.

Clarence and Ann Roberts Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of NC; 3) any other qualified applicants

Clark Brothers Business Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from Bladen County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Clark-Powers Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry in the area of Christian education.

Class of 1957 Polecats Athletic Support Endowment


Claude F. Gaddy Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Clella Abington Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Clennis W. and Ruth Richards Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Coates, James & Edna Earle Rel Total

The purpose of this fund is to provide a scholarship to students enrolled in a course of study in the Department of Religion.

Coats Family Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing ministerial careers.

Cooper and Lina Howard Divinity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Corbett and Peggy Tart Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Students shall satisfactorily meet or exceed any other criteria established by the Divinity School such as financial need, academic performance, good conduct, good citizen ship, community service and other such similar criteria. Preferences: 1) students who are or plan to be involved in music ministry; 2) any students meeting above criteria

Cornelius Nixon Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School who shall at all times satisfactorily meet or exceed criteria established by the Divinity School such as financial need, academic performance good conduct, good citizenship, community service and other such similar criteria. Preferences: 1) members of Macedonia Baptist Church; 2) members of a church within the General Baptist State Convention; 3) members of a church within the National Baptist USA

Crawford and Susan Harb Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Crawford Rogers Coates Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have achieved junior or senior standing and declared their major program of study to be history, and who demonstrate academic ability and have financial need.

Creed, Bradley & Kathy Bus Tru

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) full-time undergraduate students pursuing a major in the field of Trust and Wealth Management; 2) full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business

Crooks, Susan & John Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School with a demonstrated record of high academic achievement in law school classes, e.g., top 10% of the class standings, and pursuing a law degree as a second/alternative career.

Crow Family Physician Assistant Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and a commitment to a career as a Physician Assistant. Preferences: 1) students from NC; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

CU Alumni Association Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) child of an alumnus or alumna

CU Alumni Association College of Arts and Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preferences: 1) child of an alumnus or alumna

CU Alumni Association Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) child of an alumnus or alumna

CU Alumni Association Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) child of an alumnus or alumna

CU Board of Ministers Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

CU Divinity School Charter Class Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

CU Pharmacy Alumni Association Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled as a Doctor of Pharmacy student in good academic standing in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) pharmacy student who is a member of the Pharmacy Alumni Student Association (PASA) who demonstrate student leadership by serving as an officer of the organization and shows commitment to the profession and school; 2) pharmacy student who is a member of any student organization who demonstrates student leadership by serving as an officer of the organization and shows commitment to the profession and school

CU SGA Study Abroad Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who desire to participate in domestic and international study abroad programs and who meet the following minimum requirements: 1) must have a minimum of cumulative GPA of 2.5; 2) the study abroad program must be approved by the Campbell University Study Abroad Program Director or the Study Abroad Committee; 3) the scholarship will be applicable to domestic or international study abroad programs; 4) recipients must take at least 6 semester hours while studying abroad; 5) recipients must have completed at least 24 semester hours before the semester to be studied abroad; 6) applicants must show financial need when applying for the scholarship

Cytec Industries / American Cyanamid Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who manifest an interest in the field of science and who demonstrate need.

D. Earl Pardue Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are Methodist. Preferences: 1) students from Alamance County in the Divinity School; 2) students from Alamance County pursuing a Master's degree in Business Administration

D. M. Tatum Christian Service Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have received a calling to the Christian ministry, who indicate academic ability and have financial need. Preferences: 1) students from Elizabethtown Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, NC; 2) students from the Elizabethtown community, Bladen County, NC; 3) students from White Oak community, Bladen County, NC; 4) students from Bladen County, NC; 5) Scholarship Committee selection

D. P. and Helen Russ CUSOM Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Osteopathic Medicine.

D. P. and Helen Russ Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School.

D. P. and Helen Russ LFSOB Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate full-time students in the School of Business.

Dale A. Swenson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who manifest an interest and ability in the field of Home Economics.

Dalton L. McMichael Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Rockingham County; 2) residents of NC

Dan Ensley Mass Communication Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Mass Communications.

Daniel DB Bowman Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) PharmD students only; 2) minimum 3.0 grade point average; 3) students planning to pursue Oncology Pharmacy as a specialty; 4) student or student's family (parent, grandparent, sibling) directly impacted by cancer; 5) essay written by student describing how cancer impacted their life

Daniel W. Hester College of Arts and Sciences Organ Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who major in Music with their major instrument as organ and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher or if undergraduate students do not meet the criteria, a Divinity School student who has elected to take organ and is maintaining a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Danner Family Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Dept. of Religion who has expressed a commitment to the Christian faith.

Danny and Barbara Roberts Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate full-time students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from underrepresented populations and backgrounds who reside in Mecklenburg County, NC or Guilford County, NC or Harden County, KY

David and Krista Wharton Undergraduate Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate majors in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business who are enrolled in the BB&T Business Fellows program and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5.

David and Vivian Raynor Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

David D. Butler Trust Education Foundation Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Business who are pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management.

David E. Faulkner Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who are native of Montgomery County, NC, and prior military experience; 2) students who are native of Montgomery County, NC; 3) students with prior military experience; 4) all other students

David Kirkland Stewart Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School who demonstrate need.

Davis, F Hampton Mech Engineering

This scholarship is awarded to student(s) seeking a degree in Engineering. Scholarship will be awarded to student(s) from North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia with financial need.

Davis-Rose Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) Baptists who are residents of Johnston or Nash Counties

Dennis and Linda Bazemore Religion and Education Endowment - AS-RELG

This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Education or Religion. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Wallace, Inc.; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Dennis and Linda Bazemore Religion and Education Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Education or Religion. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Wallace, Inc.; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Denton, Wayland & Ruth Nursing

The scholarship will be awarded to eligible undergrad students with the following preferences: Donor's intent is to assist students who are in need of financial assistance, demonstrating dedication to serve as a health-care professional as a nurse. Preference may be given to students who are residence of 1) Duplin County, NC 2) Sampson County, NC 3) North Carolina 4) Scholarship Committee Selection. Students considered for this scholarship shall have been accepted to the School of Nursing, (BSN) and, at the discretion of the Director of Nursing, submit a five-hundred word essay stating their appreciation and commitment to nursing as a career. 

Department of Geology Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Arts and Sciences who demonstrate need.

Department of Mathematics Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who display aptitude and potential in the field of Mathematics.

Dexter E. Floyd Family Foundation Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students from Lenoir County, Wayne County; 2) students from NC

Diffie and Martha Phillips Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Dill,Matthew T School of Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School whose practices will focus on estate planning and trust. Preferences: 1) students from Onslow County, NC; 2) students from New Hanover County, NC; 3) students from NC

Don and Katherine Beard Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Snyder Memorial Baptist Church; 2) residents of Cumberland County; 3) residents of NC

Donald and Annell Starling Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Donald and Elizabeth Cooke Foundation Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School.

Donald and Justeen Tarbet Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who shall at all times satisfactorily meet or exceed criteria established by the Divinity School possibly including but not limited to financial need, academic performance, good conduct, good citizenship, community service and other such similar criteria. Preferences: 1) students related to University Baptist Church, Chapel Hill; 2) any student who meets the qualifications of the Scholarship Committee

Doris and Daniel Stewart Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Wake County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Doris and Mildred Pearce Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) graduates of St. Pauls High School located in Robeson County, NC; 2) graduates of various high schools of Robeson County, NC; 3) graduates of various high schools of Cumberland County, NC; 4) graduates of various high schools located in the State of NC or those earning their general equivalency degree from the State of NC

Doris and Ray Myrick Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the field of business.

Doris and Ray Myrick Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Dr. Charles Creed Undergraduate Health Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in the health sciences.

Dr. Jack and Jane Britt Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

Dr. Larry Swanson PharmD 2013 Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students of high integrity with a strong interest in the areas of academia and mission trips; 2) students with demonstrated financial need; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Dr. Marie Mason School of Nursing Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students seeking a degree in Nursing. Preferences: 1) students from Hyde County: 2) students from NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Dr. Samuel Tate Powell Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Pharmacy Program. Preferences: 1) pharmacy students with a demonstrated financial need; 2) pharmacy students with an interest in community pharmacy

Duke Kimbrell Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Gaston County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Duncan Neil McIntosh Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

E. Carlyle West Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy.

E. E. Doffermyre Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

E. F. and Helen Cottrell Endowment - AS-RELG

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need. Preferences: 1) students from the Oxford Orphanage; 2) students from Franklin County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 3) students from Granville County in the School of Business, School of Education and the Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 4) students from Warren County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 5) students from Vance County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 6) students from the State of NC in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy

E. F. and Helen Cottrell Endowment - BUS

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need. Preferences: 1) students from the Oxford Orphanage; 2) students from Franklin County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 3) students from Granville County in the School of Business, School of Education and the Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 4) students from Warren County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 5) students from Vance County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 6) students from the State of NC in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy

E. F. and Helen Cottrell Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need. Preferences: 1) students from the Oxford Orphanage; 2) students from Franklin County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 3) students from Granville County in the School of Business, School of Education and the Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 4) students from Warren County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 5) students from Vance County in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy; 6) students from the State of NC in the School of Business, School of Education, Dept. of Religion and Philosophy

E. Gene and Linda Pleasants Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

E. P. Sauls Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to a student(s) with good moral, ethical and spiritual character enrolled in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business who demonstrates characteristics of integrity, scholarship and leadership that will enable them to succeed in the business world.? Preference shall be given to residents of Wake County, North Carolina; then, all other students who otherwise qualify, irrespective of residence or domicile.

E. Willard Berry Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students selected by the Dept. of Biology.

Earl and Nora Greene Endowment - AS-RELG

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Religion or Education and maintains a minimum GPA of 3.25. Preferences: 1) students from Watauga County; 2) students from a NC county immediately contiguous to Watauga County (i.e., Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Wilkes)

Earl and Nora Greene Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Religion or Education and maintains a minimum GPA of 3.25. Preferences: 1) students from Watauga County; 2) students from a NC county immediately contiguous to Watauga County (i.e., Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Wilkes)

Ed and Carla Herring Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) Doctor of Pharmacy students from NC with an interest in independent community pharmacy; 2) Doctor of Pharmacy students from NC

Ed and Sadie Byrd CUSOM Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) graduate of Campbell University; 2) graduate of a NC institution of higher education

Ed and Sunshine Hollowell Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Edith and Hugh McKinney Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, need and worth in the Divinity School.

Edith and Ray Mulkey Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) eligible, worthy, needy students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business; 2) any other eligible, needy, worthy student selected by the Scholarship Committee

Edmond Liles Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability at the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Alamance County, NC; 2) residents of Nash County, NC; 3) residents of the State of NC

Edna Danner Living Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County, NC; 2) any other students in the School of Education

Edna E. Danner Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to eligible, needy, worthy students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County, NC; 2) any students in the School of Pharmacy

Edward and Glenn Wilson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Pender County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Edward and Glenn Wilson Undergraduate Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to award one or more scholarships each year to student(s) who are full-time undergraduates of Campbell University. The intent of the Donor is to create a scholarship fund that will provide financial assistance to worthy students while at the same time supporting the great cause of Christian education and the endeavors of the College of Arts & Sciences of Campbell University. Preference for the award is as follows: i) first preference is resident of Pender County, ii) second preference is resident of the State of North Carolina 

Edward B. Titmus Undergraduate Nursing Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Nursing with demonstrated financial need. Preferences: 1) residents of VA; 2) residents of NC

Edwards, Charles $ Julia Div

This scholarship is awarded to full-time or part-time students in the Divinity School based on need.

Edwin R. and Ruth A. Green Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Elgie and Lonnie Small Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy, needy students. Preferences: 1) students in the Law School; 2) students in Graduate School; 3) students in Undergraduate School

Elgie and Lonnie Small Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students. Preferences: 1) students in the Pharmacy School; 2) students in Undergraduate School; 3) students in Graduate School

Elizabeth Hartwell Campbell Rivers Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to student indicating academic ability in the Law School.

Elizabeth Mission Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the New South River Baptist Association 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

Elizabeth Yates Religious Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Religious Education who demonstrate need.

Elizabethtown Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Elizabethtown Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Bladen Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

Ella Ann and Frank Holding Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Ellen Amanda Rumley Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Ellena and Rinaldo Fleming Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Ellis, Antonio "Tony" Divinity

This scholarship is awarded to full-time or part-time students in the Divinity School pursuing their theological education.

Elmer L. Puryear Government Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need and pursuing a major in government.

Eloise and Straughn Stokes Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate need.

Elsie and Howell Bass Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a bachelor's degree with a major in Church Music.

Emil W. and Sarah M. Wagner Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School in good standing. Preferences: 1) students from CO, MO or AL; 2) any other eligible students

Emmett and Edna Aldredge College of Arts and Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students; however, an undergraduate recipient who earns a degree may continue the scholarship as a graduate in any course of study. Preferences: 1) eligible current employees (or spouses or children of current employees) of Machine Welding & Supply Company or future companies owned by the grantors; 2) students whose home of record is in NC

Emmett and Norma Edgerton Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Enon Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Enon Baptist Church, Oxford, NC; 2) members of Flat River Baptist Association, Granville County, NC; 3) candidates who are acceptable to the Scholarship Committee and are residents of NC

Eric J. and Linda V. Morgan Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate (first year/freshman) students transferring or entering from Early College Programs or Community Colleges who are seeking teacher licensure in middle grades or secondary mathematics. Preferences: 1) residents of Franklin County, NC; 2) residents of Nash County, NC; 3) residents of NC and Scholarship Committee selection

Erma Benson Taylor Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in an education course of study in preparation for the teaching profession who indicates academic ability and demonstrates need.

Ernest and Lenora Blanchard and Betty Blanchard Wallace Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to able deserving full-time students enrolled in the Teaching Fellows Program in the School of Education who demonstrate financial need.

Ernest and Teresa Alphin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of NC

Ernest Braxton Jenkins Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students. Preferences: 1) students who are cadets in the ROTC program with demonstrated financial need

Ester H. Howard Divinity Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Ester H. Howard Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School in the area of Church Music.

Ester Holder Howard Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in any of the majors in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Eugene and Virginia Gaskins Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) applicants who are children of an ordained minister

Eugene Maloney Trust/Wealth Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Trust and Wealth Management.

Eula G. and Alex Ray Stancil Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School for the intent of preparing for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students who are or have been members of Coats Baptist Church; 2) students who are or have been members of Angier Baptist Church; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Eunice and John Griffin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Dortches Baptist Church; 2) any other qualified applicants

Eunice B. Kinlaw Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Elizabethtown Baptist Church; 2) residents of Bladen County; 3) residents of NC

Exum C. Hare Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students majoring in Religion.

F. D. and Rebecca Byrd Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and majoring in Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Cumberland County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

F. Leary Davis Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Criteria: 1) law students who have achieved a scholastic average of 75 or above (or, if the grading system is changed, a scholastic average reflecting superior academic performance) at the Law School; 2) only students who have completed at least one semester of law studies at the Law School (excluding Summer School)

F. Roger and Doris B. Page Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Forsyth County

Faculty of CU Divinity School Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Faircloth Law School Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students from Sampson County, NC; 2) students deemed appropriate by the Scholarship Committee

Falling Creek Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Faye and John Carter, Jr. Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) Scholarship Committee selection

Fayetteville Observer Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, having financial need, and pursuing a degree in the field of Mass Communications. Preferences: 1) students from the following counties in the Cape Fear Region served by the Fayetteville Observer: Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Robeson, Sampson, Scotland

Fearing-Richie Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy who demonstrate need.

Federated Investors Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management.

First Baptist Church of Buies Creek Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Buies Creek; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Little River Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

First Baptist Church of Burlington Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Burlington; 2) members of a church within the Mount Zion Association; 3) any students in the Divinity School

First Baptist Church of Dunn Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Dunn; 2) members of a Baptist church in NC

First Baptist Church of Erwin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Erwin; 2) members of a church within the Little River Baptist Association

First Baptist Church of Goldsboro Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Goldsboro; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Neuse Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

First Baptist Church of Sanford Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Sanford; 2) members of a Baptist church in Lee County, NC; 3) residents of the State of NC

First Baptist Church of Southern Pines Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Southern Pines; 2) residents of Moore County

First Baptist Church of Troy Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) active resident members of First Baptist Church of Troy, NC; 2) residents of NC

First Baptist Church of Vass Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Vass; 2) students from Moore County; 3) students from surrounding counties in NC

First Baptist Church of Wallace Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. If there is no eligible full-time Divinity School student, then preference shall be given to any undergraduate or graduate student.

Frances and Jimmy Nichols Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Wallace; 2) former members of First Baptist Church of Wallace; 3) residents of Duplin County, NC; 4) residents of the State of NC

Frank T. Maser Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Moore County; 2) residents of NC

Frank Upchurch Medical Missions Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students seeking a degree in inter-professional health sciences to offset travel and related expenses for students pursuing medical missions service as part of their medical training.

Frank Weyer Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education.

Franklin and Elizabeth Dupree Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School who demonstrate financial need and the desire and ability to engage in community practice.

Fred and Alliene Taylor Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Fred and Grace Keith Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students of high moral and spiritual character indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) natives of Robeson County or Cumberland County, NC; 2) natives of the State of NC

Fred and Mary Whitfield Undergraduate Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded full-time undergraduate students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from underrepresented populations and backgrounds who reside in Mecklenburg County, NC or Guilford County, NC or Harden County, KY

Fred Hale Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy.

Frederick and Melissa Taylor Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Troy; 2) residents of Montgomery County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Frederick and Myra Taylor Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Troy; 2) residents of Montgomery County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Friends of School of Education Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in any of the programs offered by the School of Education.

Friendship Baptist Church of Bunnlevel Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Friendship Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in NC

G. A. Tripp Social Science Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need in the Social Science Dept.

G. C. and Ruby Hutto Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who are residents of the State of SC upon initial admission to the Law School; 2) student recipients should have demonstrated financial need

G. Fred Hale Business Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to deserving students who demonstrates need in the School of Business. 

G. Fred Hale Fine Arts Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students majoring in Fine Arts who demonstrate need.

G. Wilson and Stephanie Bass CUSOM Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) student from a Southeastern county in NC; 2) student who has financial need, has exemplary academic performance, displays good conduct or good citizenship, and displays a passion for community service

Gail McMichael Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Education.

Gaines, Homer & Toni CUSOM

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) students who desire to practice medicine in NC or the southeastern United States

Gardner Altman Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a degree in the field of Law. Preferences: 1) student from Cumberland County, NC; 2) any qualified student

Gardner and Velma Altman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Gary Dunham Kappa Psi Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy indicating academic ability and membership in the Kappa Psi Fraternity.

Gary Dunham Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy indicating academic ability and financial need.

Gene B. and Cindy R. Tarr Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC who exhibit exemplary character consistent with the philosophy of Campbell University and who are in the top one-third of their class after their first semester of their first year of law school and who continue to comply with this requirement.

George and Annie Brown Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are interested in a vocation of full-time Christian service after graduation and accept such course of study appropriate to accomplish such desires. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Wallace, Wallace, NC or members of any Baptist church in Duplin County

George and Dorothy McLaney Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC; 2) any other qualified applicants

George and Jean Johnson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of the State of NC

George and Jennie Williams Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a church in the Little River Baptist Association of NC

Gladys and Cronje Earp Foreign Language Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are foreign languages majors. Preferences: 1) students from Johnston County, NC

Gladys S. Satterwhite Epsilon Pi Eta Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to Campbell University graduates who are Epsilon Pi Eta members in good standing, attending graduate school at Campbell University and must be taking at least 6 hours of graduate courses. If individuals are just beginning graduate school, he/she must have had a 3.25 cumulative grade point average in undergraduate school.

Glenda B. Skinner Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Glenn and Anne Infinger Medical Missions Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students seeking a degree in one or more inter-professional health sciences programs.

Glenn and Joyce White CUSOM Missionary Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students seeking a degree in osteopathic medicine to offset travel and related expenses for students pursuing medical missions service as part of their medical training at the School of Osteopathic Medicine.

Gordon and Charlotte Maxwell Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Goldsboro; 2) residents of Wayne County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Gordon Rowland Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are majoring in Trust Management.

Gordon Rowland Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Grace and Fred Keith Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Grace and Gilbert Stephenson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students having academic potential and having financial need in the Trust Education program.

Gracie Hayes Green Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County; 2) residents of NC

Gray Maynard Roth Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) after five years Woodhaven Baptist Church member

Greenwood Family Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) Pharmacy students with a demonstrated financial need; 2) Pharmacy students from NC; 3) Pharmacy students that have attended Campbell University as an undergraduate; 4) Pharmacy students with at least a 3.0 GPA

Gregory Lee Prillaman Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) Trust majors; 2) Business School majors demonstrating financial need without regard to academic ability; 3) any other needy students

Grover C. and Florede L. Meetze Divinity Ecumenical Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a non-Baptist, Christian denomination

Grubb Family Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who manifest an interest and ability in the field of business.

GSK Women In Science Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time female undergraduate students pursuing scientific studies.

Guilford and Janet Bass Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) residents of Brunswick County

Guilford and Janet Bass Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Brunswick County, NC; 2) all other qualifying students

H. Carter and Allison Cobb Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) pharmacy student from Gaston County, NC; 2) pharmacy student from Lincoln County, NC; 3) pharmacy student from the State of NC

Hammond, Shep & Inez Education

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Moore County, NC; 2) students from Cumberland County, NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Hariett J. Spell Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a degree offered in the Religion Dept. Preferences: 1) students from Sampson County, NC

Harold and Annie Warren Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Education. Preferences: 1) graduates of Pine Forest High School, Education major; 2) graduates of Pine Forest High School, Non-Education majors; 3) members of Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC accepted and attending Campbell University; 4) graduates of other high schools in Cumberland County

Harold and Elizabeth Wells Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Whiteville; 2) residents of Columbus County; 3) residents of NC

Harold Wells Entrepreneurship Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Harry C. and Frances Strickland Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School who have satisfactorily demonstrated both academic ability and financial need.

Harry Hymrick Prince Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Harry John Guyler Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from PA; 2) students from NC; 3) any other qualified applicant

Harry T. Gatton Trust Management Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students having academic potential and financial need in the Trust Management program.

Hartness, Alvin & Shirley Phy Asst

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Physician Assistant program.

Harvey and Mary Ruth Hart Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Guilford County; 2) residents of NC

Hayes Family/Stedman Drug Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) second, third or fourth year Doctor of Pharmacy students with GPA of 2.5 or greater; 2) Pharmacy students with a background or interest in independent community pharmacy; 3) must plan to attend scholarship award day for School of Pharmacy; 4) students must complete a 500 (or less) word essay explaining why their previous experience or interest in working in an independent pharmacy makes you the best candidate for the scholarship

Hayes/De Brand Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

Helen and D. P. Russ Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School and taking a minimum of 9 course hours.

Helen C. Guyler Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability majoring in Elementary Education. Preferences: 1) students from PA; 2) students from NC

Henderson Jake Ballard Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are religion majors.

Henry and Betty Britt Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry.

Henry and Iris Bazemore Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Ahoskie; 2) members of any Baptist church in the West Chowan Baptist Association; 3) residents of NC

Henry and Louise Britt Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Fairmont, NC; 2) residents of Robeson County, NC; 3) residents of the State of NC

Henry and Melba Williams Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are juniors or seniors in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, Business Administration program and to include and extend to applicants enrolled in the 3-2 program leading to the MBA and/or the Trust and Wealth Management degree. Preferences: 1) natives of the State of NC; 2) natives of the State of PA; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Henry and Tracy Smith Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to a high achieving student who is interested in the advancement of Hispanic students in the pharmacy profession and enhances the social, economic, and cultural diversity of the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. 1) student who graduated from an accredited NC high school, preferably in Eastern NC

Henry L. Anderson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in the field of study of Law.

Henson, Dr. Ted Scott Education

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in need in the School of Education.

Herbert and Linda Harton Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Randolph County, NC; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Hertford Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Hertford Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Chowan Baptist Association

Hilda Wilson School of Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education. In addition, each student so qualified shall at all times satisfactorily meet or exceed any other criteria established by the Scholarship Committee of the School of Education.

Hillmon Grove Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Hillmon Grove Baptist Church; 2) members of the Little River Baptist Association; 3) residents of NC

Hocutt Family Education Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) graduates of the New Hanover County, NC public secondary school system; 2) graduates of the Pender County, NC public secondary school system; 3) all other qualified students

Homesley Family Phy Asst Sch

This scholarship is awarded to current students in the Master of Physician Assistant Practice Program.

Horace A. Bones McKinney Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Horace G. Thompson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, having financial need, and members of a Baptist denomination. Students shall be residents of NC, maintaining at least a GPA of 2.50, be declared religion majors, and indicate a desire to enter the ministry.

Houston and Irene Brisson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Bladen County

Howard and Eva Cooper Law Endowment

This scholarship has been awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students from Robeson County; 2) residents of NC

Howard and Mescal Ferguson Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students studying for a degree in Pharmacy.

Howard D Williams Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who are affiliated with Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church or residents of Cumberland County

Hubert A. Drew English/Journalism Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to award one or more scholarships in each school year to a full-time, deserving student(s), who is a English or Journalism major within the College of Arts & Science. 

Hubert and Geneva Michael Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Moore County

Hubert L. Michael Endowment


Hugh and Bessie Goldston Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Elizabethtown Baptist Church; 2) residents of Bladen County; 3) candidate acceptable to the Scholarship Committee from NC

Hugh D. McCormick Divinity Endowment I

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of VA

Hugh D. McCormick Divinity Endowment II

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of VA

Hugh D. McCormick Divinity Endowment IV

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of VA

I. B. and Clara Willis Julian Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

I. Beverly Lake Constitutional Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate exemplary achievement in the field of Constitutional Law in the Law School.

I. Beverly Lake, Sr. Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) NC students who exemplify the high moral and ethical standards of Dr. Lake and show potential for leadership in areas of public service

I. R. Williams Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America

J. F. and Jean Maness Allen Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

J. J. (Jack and Doris) Barnes Church Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Church Music and Worship Concentration curriculum of the Master of Divinity Program.

J. Michael and Sandra Simmons Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

J. P. and March F. Riddle Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Cumberland County; 2) residents of a county surrounding Cumberland County; 3) residents of the State of NC

J. Paul and Doris Woodard Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

J. R. and Ann Tripp Bouldin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

J. Rex and Carol Thomas Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

J. Shepard Bryan Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have been accepted to study law in the Law School.

Jack and Eloise Watts Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a degree in Pharmacy.

Jack and Jane Britt Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Cumberland County; 2) students from Robeson County; 3) students from NC

Jack and Neta Riley Art Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students whose academic performance has been outstanding and worthy of special recognition and studying in the field of art. Preferences: 1) applicants who have completed one year of study; 2) any students entering the art program whose apparent aptitude and ability indicate great promise of future achievement in said program

Jack and Sarah Coffey Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of New Hope Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC

Jack C. and Anne A. Surles Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Jackson Delta Theta Phi Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School who have the minimum scholastic average necessary to graduate, are national members of the Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity or its successor and are members in good standing of the Bryan Senate or its successor. Preferences: 1) students demonstrating scholastic achievement, significant service to Bryan Senate and financial need

James and Elizabeth Nisbet Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Mecklenburg County, NC; 2) any other student

James and Helen Crossingham Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

James and Helen Currin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Westfield Baptist Church; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of NC

James and Judy Everette Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from NC

James and Margaret Nisbet Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Mecklenburg County; 2) students from Brunswick County; 3) students from NC

James and Patricia Wright Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) Hispanic students in the Hispanic Theological Education program; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

James and Vivian Simpson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Buies Creek First Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Little River Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the Eastern Baptist Association; 4) students chosen at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee

James Austin Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School who demonstrate need.

James Benjamin Currin Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Westfield Baptist Church; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of NC

James C. and Ina H. Byrd Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students studying for the ministry who exemplify hard work, sacrifice and achievement from Harnett County; 2) students chosen by the Scholarship Committee

James Cameron Divinity Endowment (Lillington Baptist)

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Lillington Baptist Church; 2) members of the Little Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

James E Witherspoon Trust Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) full-time undergraduate students pursuing a major in the field of Trust and Wealth Management; 2) full-time undergraduates in the School of Business

James E. and Norma C. Jones Nursing Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are enrolled in the curriculum leading to a BS in Nursing. Preferences: 1) students from Sampson County; 2) students from NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

James E. Revelle, Sr. Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences.

James F. Penny, Jr. Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of law or in the alternative, pre-law. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County

James Faison Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, having financial need, and have demonstrated interest in a business career by selecting a program in the School of Business.

James M. and Patty L. Jung College of Arts and Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in one of the natural sciences including biological sciences, chemistry, physics and biochemistry above the freshmen level of study. Preferences: 1) residents of NC and financial need does not need to be a consideration for the awards

James M. Currin Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Business.

James R. Garver Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students pursuing a degree in the area of Church Music

James R. Nisbet Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

James W. and Clara Vaughn Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

James W. and Susan P. Huggins Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a major in Mathematics or Computer Science. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

Jane T. Lewis Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Education.

Janice and Cliff Miller Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to student having academic potential and having financial need and who have expressed an interest in the trust program and plan to pursue trust business as a career upon graduation.

Janice and Samuel Cartledge Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students who intend on pursuing a ministry in the area of pre-school and/or children's ministry

Jay Merritt White Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to second or third year law students who have encountered a new or increased financial need that is not covered by existing scholarships or financial aid. This scholarship is based on need and not class rank. In addition to financial need, students should be active in extracurricular activities; i.e. Moot Court, Trial Team, SBA or any student organization in good standing with the SBA or the school.

Jean L. Jones LFSOB Trust Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a major in the field of Trust, specifically to include students enrolled in the 3-2 program leading to the MBA and/or the Trust and Wealth Management degree.

Jeffrey and David Holland Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students of high moral and spiritual character indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Jeffrey B. and Linda H. Turner Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from Duplin or Lenoir Counties, NC

Jennifer Webb Athletic Training Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing an interest in athletic training.

Jere and Patricia Drummond General Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Preferences: 1) residents of Mecklenburg County, NC; 2) residents of NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Jeremy Dale Fisher Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who have been called to Christian Social Ministries.

Jerry and Betty Wallace Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in Trust Management.

Jessica Ann Kalinowski Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy with a minimum 3.30 grade point average (GPA) in his or her first two years in pre-Pharmacy and a minimum of 3.0 GPA while enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) residents of Henry County, Patrick County or Franklin County, VA; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Jessica N. White Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to female students who are Trust majors in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5.

Jessie J. Finger Memorial Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students with financial need; 2) students with an outstanding academic record; 3) students from a rural area of Western NC; 4) students with an undergraduate degree from Campbell University

Jill Glover Upshaw Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School who demonstrate financial need. Preferences: 1) students who are single parents; 2) students with financial dependents; 3) students who have returned to Law School after having served in the workforce to pursue the dream of obtaining a legal education.

Jim and Anne Beaty Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) Doctor of Pharmacy student with a minimum 3.0 GPA; 2) Doctor of Pharmacy student with financial need; 3) Pharmacy student from NC

Jimmy and Dorothy Melton Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Aberdeen; 2) residents of Moore County; 3) residents of NC

Jimmy E. Witherspoon Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management.

Jo Anne Sanderson Dew Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) Lay and Marketplace Ministry; 2) Christian Education; 3) Missionary and/or Missions

Joe and Ina Whitehead Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are minority students in the School of Pharmacy B.S. and PharmD programs. Preferences: 1) students in the MSEN program

John A. McLeod, Jr. Journalism Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to award one or more scholarships each year to a students who displays ability and potential in the field on journalism. 

John and Alma Wellons Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Gospel Tabernacle Church; 2) students from the State of NC

John and Gayle Wishon Jackson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

John and Kirby Tyson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students from Cumberland County; 2) students from NC

John and Louise Broderick Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy, needy students in the Law School.

John and Margaret Cashwell Education/Music Endowment - AS-MUS

This scholarship is for students, half of whom are majoring in or have declared an intention to major in one or more of the undergraduate majors or graduate courses of study offered by the School of Education and half of whom are majoring in, or have declared an intention to major in one or more of the undergraduate majors or graduate courses of study offered by the Dept. of Music of the College of Arts and Sciences. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC; 3) all other students

John and Margaret Cashwell Education/Music Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is for students, half of whom are majoring in or have declared an intention to major in one or more of the undergraduate majors or graduate courses of study offered by the School of Education and half of whom are majoring in, or have declared an intention to major in one or more of the undergraduate majors or graduate courses of study offered by the Dept. of Music of the College of Arts and Sciences. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC; 3) all other students

John and Mary Weaver Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

John and Peggy Rouse Divinity Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

John and Wendy Roberson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students attending Campbell University. Preferences: 1) CU Marching Band's Drum Major (with seniority); 2) students who exhibit servant leadership through their participation in multiple CU Concert Bands or Ensembles and/or who are on the CU Band staff; 3) student leaders in the CU Concert Choir

John Hill LFSOB Trust Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of Trust and Wealth Management.

John J. Mason Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

John L. and Peggy M. Rouse Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

John Matthew McCabe Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who have exhibited strong volunteerism and a desire to serve and give back to his/her community

John Thomas Collins Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

John W. Stackhouse Foundation Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School.

Johnnie Averette Womble Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry

Johnnie Lee Marks Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students preparing to work with early childhood students

Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students. Preferences: 1) students who are members of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church, family members of members of Jonesboro Heights Baptist Church; 2) residents of Sanford, NC; 3) residents of Lee County, NC 4) residents of the State of NC

Joseph Adams Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Law School. Preferences: 1) resident of Harnett County; 2) resident of Johnston County; 3) resident of Wake County; 4) resident of Sampson County

Joseph and Dorothy Barber Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) resident of Wake County; 2) resident of NC

Joseph and Jewell Gawthrop Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Greensboro; 2) residents of Guilford County; 3) residents of NC

Joseph and Mary Watterson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

Joseph and Pamela Hall Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Joseph and Pamela Hall Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Joseph and Pamela Hall Divinity Endowment #3

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Joseph and Pamela Hall Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Rowan County; 2) students from NC

Joseph and Ruby Puckett Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Joseph and Ruby Puckett HELP Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to male ministerial students indicating academic ability and having financial need who have received a calling to Christian ministry and are members of the Baptist denomination. Preferences: 1) residents of Johnston County; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Joseph Donald Floyd, II Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students of average or below average academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County; 2) residents of Wilkes County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Joseph P. and Vivian L. Wilson Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to student(s) enrolled full time in a undergraduate program within the College of Arts and Sciences. The following is criteria for the award in order of preference: 1) Resident of Forsyth County, 2) Resident of North Carolina.

Josephine H. Bradley Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to juniors and seniors enrolled in the fields of religious education and teaching. Preferences: 1) members of Chalybeate Springs Baptist Church; 2) members of Baptist churches in the Little River Association

Joy Cottrell Strickland Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Education who are pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Franklin County; 2) residents of Granville County; 3) residents of Warren County; 4) residents of Vance County; 5) residents of the State of NC

Joyce Byrd and Sons Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) a Keywanette or Key Club member from Fike High School, Wilson, NC; 2) a Keywanette or Key Club member from a high school in Wilson County; 3) a student from NC as approved by the Scholarship Committee

Juanita and Howard Hight Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Buies Creek First Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in Harnett County; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

Judge David M. Britt Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC and a graduate of a NC public or private college or university

Judge John J. Broderick Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy students attending the Law School.

K. Royce Crumpler, Frances P. Crumpler, Wanda Crumpler Stidger, and Diane Crumpler Shugars Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Kaplan Law Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School based on financial need.

Kazam and Talat Mostashari Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in the study of Business Administration and Economics. Preferences: 1) applicants who are eligible to receive the Campbell University Presidential Scholarship

Keith and Virginia Finch Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Dunn; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Kerry W. and Jean Q. Clippard Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Alexis Baptist Church; 2) residents of Gaston County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Kiger, Rance Clinton End Law

This scholarship is awarded students in the Law School based on financial need.

Kimberly Hayes Floyd Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students of average or below average academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County; 2) residents of Wilkes County; 3) residents of the State of NC

King Roofing and Manufacturing Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, financial need and promise of future usefulness to his/her community at the Law School. In the event there is no one in the Law School it may be awarded to students pursuing a degree in any field. Preferences: 1) employees or members of the immediate family of employees at King Roofing and Manufacturing Corporation; 2) residents of Sanford, NC

Kitty and Leon Rumley Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy.

Kitty, Ellen, and Leon Rumley Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Forsyth County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Knight Family Div.

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from VA or NC that show financial need and are in pursuit of a ministry-focused graduate degree; 2) students that show clear financial need and are in pursuit of a ministry-focused graduate degree

L. and M. Gier Biology Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Biology who have given indication of academic ability and financial need.

L. E. McKnight Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability pursuing a degree in the field of Pharmacy.

L. Stuart Surles CUSOM Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Osteopathic Medicine DO program. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

L. Stuart Surles Engineering Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Engineering. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

L. Stuart Surles Physician Assistant Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate need and a commitment to a career as a Physician Assistant. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

L. Stuart Surles Physician Assistant Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Physician Assistant program. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

L. Stuart Surles Undergraduate Nursing Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Nursing (BS) program. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

L. Stuart Surles Undergraduate Nursing Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Nursing (BS) program. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

Lacy and Mary E. Collier Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Snyder Memorial Baptist Church; 2) residents of Cumberland County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Lacy S. and Mary Collier CUSOM Medical Missions Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the inter-professional health sciences programs to offset travel and related expenses for students pursuing medical missions services as part of their medical training.

Lacy S. and Mary Collier Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Cumberland County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Lacy S. and Mary E. Collier Physician Assistant Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Physician Assistant Program. Preferences: 1) residents of Cumberland County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Larry and Deborah O'Neal Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who have an expressed interest in pursuing a concentration in real estate/real property law

Lee and Gertrude Royal Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to rising juniors or seniors that indicate exceptional ability in the creative arts.

Lelia Ann Currin Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in the field of law.

Leroy and Jessie Calder Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Leroy and Sara Parker Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students from Greensboro, NC; 2) students from Guilford County, NC; 3) students from the Piedmont Baptist Association of the Baptist State Convention of NC; 4) any students from NC

Lester and Winford Phillips Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Spring Branch Baptist Church; 2) residents of Harnett County, NC; 3) residents of the State of NC

Letaz Jones and Danita Perkins Divinity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who attend predominantly African American churches.

Letizia Antoinetta Thrift Endowment - AS-MUS

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in Pharmacy and/or music. Preferences: 1) students who are actively involved in community service and/or church related work

Letizia Antoinetta Thrift Endowment - CPHS-PHARM

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in Pharmacy and/or music. Preferences: 1) students who are actively involved in community service and/or church related work

Lewis and Annabelle Business Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. No preferences shall be given to any student from any geographic region or faith commitment. This scholarship is awarded based on the worth and integrity of the student.

Lewis and Annabelle Business Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. No preferences shall be given to any student from any geographic region or faith commitment. This scholarship is awarded based on the worth and integrity of the student.

Lewis and Annabelle Fetterman Divinity Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Lewis and Annabelle Fetterman Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Lewis and Gladys Boroughs Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Lewis and Gladys Boroughs Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who have been accepted to pursue a course of study leading to a Juris Doctor Degree in the Law School.

Lewis James Outlaw Piano Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students desiring to study the piano. Preferences: 1) students from Wayne County, NC; 2) students from NC

Lewis M. Fetterman, Jr. Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Pharmaceutical Sciences program. Preferences: 1) Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences students with a strong interest and ability in pharmaceutical analysis; 2) Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences students

LFSOB Faculty/Staff Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who were not selected to receive institutional scholarships at the time of their admission to the University but have achieved academic excellence during their first full year of study in the School of Business.

Linda Godwin Murphy Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who give evidence of a great love for and desire to serve in the church through the ministry of worship and music and gives evidence of excellent musical ability and devotion to Jesus Christ. Preferences: 1) students from Rose Hill Baptist Church; 2) students from Eastern Baptist Association, Duplin County, Eastern NC; 2) students who in the determination of the Divinity School meets the description of the purpose and preference of the scholarship

Linwood C. Thornton, II Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in Religion with a goal of full-time Christian service (Christian Ministries track). Preferences: 1) students from Cumberland County, NC; 2) students from Harnett County, NC; 3) students from counties east of I-95 or counties that contain/border any portion of I-95 in NC; 4) students from counties east of I-77 or counties that contain/border any portion of I-77; 5) students from the remainder of NC; 6) students that are US citizens

Little River Baptist Association Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members in good standing of a church supporting and in the Little River Baptist Association; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Lloyd and Verna B. Respass Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Onslow County, NC

Lola Marshburn Ledford Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

Lorraine Britt Allen Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education.

Lorraine Tarlton Neville Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Lottie and Melvin Weeks Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are majoring in Biology.

Louis and Mary Spilman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Louis Carr Mitchell, Sr. Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Louis Powell Golf Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Golf Management Program.

Louise and Thomas Fleming Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Louise B. Witherspoon Trust Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) full-time undergraduate students pursuing a major in the field of Trust and Wealth Management; 2) full-time undergraduates in the School of Business

Louise Hicks Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Harnett County, NC

Luby & Catherine Wood Nursing

This scholarship is awarded to junior or senior undergraduate students in the Catherine W. Wood School of Nursing. Preferences: 1) residents of Johnston County, NC; 2) residents of Harnett County, NC; 3) residents of NC

Luby and Catherine Wood Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

Lucille and Waylon Ellis Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Lucille Ellis Fine Arts Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) students majoring in Church Music

Lucille Ellis Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are pursuing a degree in the field of Pharmacy.

Lucille Mabry Cobbs Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of law.

Mabel Fetterman Held Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) residents of Clinton, NC; 2) residents of NC

Mac C. and Gladys Strickland Satterwhite Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to student(s) enrolled full-time in a undergraduate program within the College of Arts & Sciences.

Macedonia Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Macedonia Baptist Church, Inc.; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Raleigh Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

Macie R. Freeze Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Iredell County, NC; 2) residents of Catawba County. The Scholarship Committee shall also give consideration to applicants who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America.

Mack Roberts Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to married ministerial students. Preferences: 1) students from Cumberland County; 2) students from Bladen County; 3) other students

Mae I. Danner Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Catawba County; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Mae I. Danner Living Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County, NC; 2) any other students in the School of Education

Mae I. Danner Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to eligible, needy, worthy students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County, NC; 2) any students in the School of Pharmacy

Mae Murry G. Bruton Undergraduate Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business enrolled in the 3-2 Program leading to the MBA and/or the Trust and Wealth Management degree. Preferences: 1) students from Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC; 2) students from Cumberland County; 3) students from Wilson County; 4) Scholarship Committee selection

Major Sam Byrd Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School on the basis of need, scholarship ability and such other relevant factors as the Scholarship Committee shall deem appropriate.

Major Sam Byrd Trust Education Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Trust Education Dept. on the basis of need, scholarship ability and such other relevant factors as the Scholarship Committee shall deem appropriate.

Mamie C. Sawyer Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church; 2) residents of Pasquotank County; 3) residents of NC

Mantooth/McReynolds Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a degree in Pharmacy.

Marcus and Alice Chestnutt Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) students who are NC residents and graduated from a NC public or private college or university

Margaret and Ryland Edwards Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students. Preferences: 1) eligible, needy, worthy students in the Pharmacy School; 2) eligible, needy, worthy undergraduate students

Margaret Vann Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students who satisfactorily demonstrate character and academic ability. Preferences: 1) members of, or whose family is a member of, Wallace Baptist Church (now known as First Baptist Church of Wallace, NC) of Duplin County, NC and is a resident of Duplin County, NC; 2) residents of Duplin County, NC; 3) qualified students accepted for matriculation by Campbell University

Marion D. Varnedoe, Jr. Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students studying for the ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Walstone Memorial Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC; 2) students within the New South River Association (Fayetteville area)--Western Sampson County, Cumberland County, and parts of Moore County; 3) students from NC

Marion Stewart Byrd Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett and Nash Counties, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Marjorie Pence / Chalybeate Springs Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Chalybeate Springs Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Little River Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

Mark Davison Memorial Cardinal Health Pharmaceutical Science Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Sciences program and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. Preferences: 1) rising senior B.S.P.S. students within one year of expected graduation; 2) rising junior B.S.P.S. students within two years of expected graduation

Marks Family Pharmacy Scholars Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) fourth-year pharmacy students planning to practice in an independent community pharmacy setting; 2) fourth-year pharmacy students planning to practice in a community pharmacy setting; 3) fourth year pharmacy students from NC

Marshbanks Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Martha Stafford Compton Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) women in the ministry from SC; 2) women in the ministry in NC; 3) all other qualified applicants

Martin and Edna Byrd Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School.

Marvin D. Johnson Trust Management Business Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Trust Management.

Mary and Alford Stephens Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Church Music or majoring in Religious Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Robeson County, NC

Mary and Dave McCullen Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Mary D. and Baxter Walker Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in the field of Religious Education, preferably the Pastoral Ministry.

Mary Mitchell Campbell Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Fine Arts.

Mary Paschal Endowment - BUS-TRUST

This scholarship is awarded to needy and deserving students.

Mary Paschal Endowment - LAW

This scholarship is awarded to needy and deserving students.

Mary W. Lee Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Mast Drug Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) residents of Robeson, Vance or Martin counties; 2) residents of counties contiguous to Robeson, Vance or Martin counties; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Matthew Ryan Tucker Memorial Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program

Mazelle Chamblee Lee Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Music. Preferences: 1) students from Johnston County; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

McLaughlin, James B. Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) demonstrated financial need, and; 2) demonstrated record of high academic achievement in the first-year property or wills and trust classes

McNeill Chestnut Trust Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Trust and Wealth Management.

Meader W. Harriss, III Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Melanie Callison Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are pursuing a degree in the field of Law. Preferences: 1) rising second year law students

Melissa A. Essary Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School.

Memorial Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Memorial Baptist Church; 2) any deserving students at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee

Micah 6:8 Law Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Michael and Gail Cogdill Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) received an undergraduate degree in Religion from Campbell University; 2) demonstrated superior academic performance (3.0 grade point average or better) in undergraduate work completed; 3) demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry

Michael and Gaile McLamb Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) students from Midway High School, located in Sampson County; 2) residents of Sampson County; 3) residents of NC

Michael and Gaile McLamb Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Milam Oswell Owens, Jr. Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree. Preferences: 1) members of Gaston Baptist Association, Gastonia, NC pursuing a degree in the field of religious training; 2) any other eligible, needy, worthy students pursuing a degree of any kind

Mildred and Norman Wiggins Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences:1) students preparing for International Missions pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree; 2) international students preparing for the ministry with the intent of returning to their native country to minister

Mildred and Weldon Johnson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Mildred and William Barringer Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of Salisbury, NC; 2) residents of Rowan County, NC; 3) residents of NC

Mildred H. Wiggins Education Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need in the School of Education.

Millard and Naomi Crumpler Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to financially needy students indicating academic ability who are enrolled full-time in the Divinity School and demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry in the areas of Gospel Ministry or Christian Education. Preferences: 1) Baptists who are residents of Cumberland County; 2) Baptists who are residents of Harnett County; 3) Baptists who are residents of Wake County; 4) Baptists who are residents of NC

Millicent and Hoover Adams Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a career in the field of Journalism. Preferences: 1) resident of Harnett County 2) any qualified students

Minnie Deans Lamm Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School who demonstrate need.

Minnie P. (Mama) Glover Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) young women preparing for Christian ministry

Miriam M. and Mary K. Clark Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Elizabethtown Baptist Church or Bladen County

Miriam Sexton Mitchell Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need in the School of Education.

Mitchell and Linda Watts Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) students with a demonstrated financial need; 2) students with an interest in community pharmacy

Moen, Inc. Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree. Preferences: 1) students pursuing a degree in the field of Business or Engineering; 2) an other eligible students

Moore, Thomas Milton Law Sch

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School based on need.

Mrs. Hugh Maxwell Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) students from Wayne County; 2) students from NC

Myra Murphy Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Rose Hill; 2) residents of Duplin County; 3) residents of NC

N. and D. Hillard Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Nannie B. Caudle Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in ministerial and religious education.

Nanny Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School who demonstrate need.

Narron/Johnsey Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a majoring the field of Trust Management.

Nash Vann Hair, Mary Hair, and Mary Viola Hair Campbell Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Nathan and Lisa Harris Social Work/Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the field of social work or in the field of education in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) graduates of a high school in Bladen County; 2) residents of Bladen County; 3) residents of NC

Ned B. Ball Business Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Business.

Neil and Cindy McPhail General Endowment - CPHS-PHARM

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are graduates of a public Harnett County School. Preferences: 1) students choosing to major in the teacher licensure programs of the School of Education; 2) students in the pre-pharmacy program (scholarship is only available while student is classified as pre-pharmacy); 3) any undergraduate, pre-professional program of study

Neil and Cindy McPhail General Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are graduates of a public Harnett County School. Preferences: 1) students choosing to major in the teacher licensure programs of the School of Education; 2) students in the pre-pharmacy program (scholarship is only available while student is classified as pre-pharmacy); 3) any undergraduate, pre-professional program of study

Nelle Rives Cheek Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are pursuing a degree in the field of Music.

Nelson, Janette S. Public Svc Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Neta and Opheus Warren Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate considerable promise for Christian ministry.

New Hope Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who have ties to New Hope Baptist Church

Newkirk Family Trust Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Bachelor's of Trust or Master's of Trust and Wealth Management programs in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Norman A. and Mildred H. Wiggins Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School on the basis of need, scholarship ability and such other relevant factors as the Scholarship Committee shall deem appropriate. Preferences: 1) residents in the Coats, NC area; 2) residents within Harnett County but outside of Coats, NC; 3) residents outside of Harnett County but within the State of NC

Norman A. and Mildred H. Wiggins Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy on the basis of character, scholarship ability, need and such other relevant factors the Scholarship Committee shall deem appropriate. Preferences: 1) residents of NC; 2) students within or without the US

Norman A. and Mildred H. Wiggins Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in Trust Management.

Norman A. Wiggins School of Law Faculty/Staff Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who were not selected to receive institutional scholarships at the time of their admission to the Law School but have nevertheless achieved academic excellence during their first full year of the study of Law.

Norman and Myrtle Page Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Clarkton, NC; 2) residents of Bladen County; 3) residents of Horry County, SC; 4) residents of the State of NC

North Carolina Criminal Justice Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students based on financial need, academic achievement and majoring in Criminal Justice. Preferences: 1) residents of NC and is the son/daughter of any law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty; 2) given to son/daughter of any Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff who is deceased, retired or currently active in the NC Law Enforcement; 3) any Criminal Justice students who are NC residents

North Rocky Mount Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from North Roanoke Baptist Association churches; 2) students from North Carolina Baptist churches

Nursing Program Faculty/Staff Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Nursing Program. Preferences: 1) students with demonstrated need; 2) male student, as nurses are predominately female; 3) students from disadvantaged background including first generation to attend college and/or from a rural medically underserved community.

Oley Family Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy.

Olyphic Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Dock Baptist Association area; 2) residents of NC

O'Neal Family Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) Doctor of Pharmacy students from Beaufort County, NC or Eastern NC; 2) Doctor of Pharmacy students with an interest in independent community pharmacy

Orren David Poe, Sr. Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students having academic potential and financial need in the School of Education.

Oscar and Jean Harris Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) students from Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church in Dunn, NC; 2) students from Harnett County, NC

Owen S. and Rubelle Tudor Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) non-traditional students who are residents of NC; 2) non-traditional students who are residents of VA; 3) traditional students who are residents of NC or VA

Parish, Bill & Maryann Educ

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

Patrick K. Hetrick Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Paul and Cathy Powell Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are planning to enter a Christian vocation as a pastor, missionary, church staff member, etc.

Paul and Dee Strickland Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School on the basis of need and scholarship ability.

Paul and Ester Johnson Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a course of study in Music. Preferences: 1) graduates of Western Harnett High School; 2) graduates of Harnett Central High School; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Paul and Gail Yoder Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are music majors with voice as the major instrument.

Paul and Teeny Perry Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Pauline and Judson Moore Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a pastoral or religious education field.

Pauline Calloway Education/Athletic Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who are Division I male or female athletes seeking secondary teacher licensure with the intent of teaching and coaching as a profession. Preferences: 1) male or female basketball athlete; 2) baseball athlete; 3) softball athlete; 4) any other Division I sport, including cheerleading

Peaden's Seafood Restaurant Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) graduates of a Cumberland County public high school; 2) residents of Cumberland County; 3) residents of NC

Pearl and Fred McCall Health Sciences Endowment - CPHS-PA

This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need and pursing a Master of Physician Assistant Practice or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.

Pearl and Fred McCall Health Sciences Endowment - CUSOM-DO

This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need and pursing a Master of Physician Assistant Practice or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.

Peggy Lawrence Trust Education Foundation Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Trust Management.

Perry R. Safran Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Person-Currin Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School.

Pharm D Al-Achi Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the College of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students with a demonstrated financial need; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

Pharmaceutical Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have promising abilities in the area of biomedical research.

Pharmacy Practice Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy who demonstrate need.

Phi Delta Chi Shelton Pharmacy Endowment


Poe-Warren Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC and affiliated with a Baptist church that is a member of the Baptist State Convention of NC and an annual supporter of the Cooperative Program.

Popes Family Center Business Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who manifest an interest and ability in the field of business.

Poston Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Poston Baptist Church; 2) residents of Duplin County, NC; 3) residents of the State of NC; 4) residents of the State of SC

R. Roy and Margery Pearce Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students deemed worthy by the awards committee for the School of Education.

R. Ruth Smith Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students furthering their education in the Divinity School or the Religion Dept. Preferences: 1) students in the Divinity School; 2) religion majors or minors

R. W. and Mildred McGowan Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Ridge Road Baptist Church; 2) members of the Raleigh Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in NC

R. Wilson and Ester Howard Drama Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of study of Drama. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County

Rachel and Lamar Norwood Math and Computer Science Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in math and computer science areas.

Raenelle B. and Claude S. Abernethy Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Pharmacy School. Preferences: 1) students in the Pharmacy School; 2) undergraduate students.

Ralph P. Rogers, Jr. Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to School of Pharmacy students during the last two years leading to his/her first degree in pharmacy. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in an accredited pharmacy program in the State of NC which shall award the degree of Bachelor of Science or Doctor of Pharmacy. Students must also be a resident as determined by the criteria of the university or college in which the student is enrolled, of NC, SC or VA. Preferences: 1) students who express an interest in community pharmacy practice; and 2) are employees (or their children) of Mutual Drug; or 3) are employees (or their children) of Mutual Drug Member Stores; or 4) are owners (or their children) of Mutual Drug Member Stores

Randolph Doffermyre, Jr. Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Ray and Ruth Joyner Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Ray K. and Joyce H. Hodge Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of a church related to the Baptist State Convention of NC

Raymond and Jo Ann Bryan Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Wayne County

Rebecca and Hugh McKinley Divinity Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to international students and persons preparing for a career in global missions.

Rebekah L. Heldreth Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy with a minimum 3.0 grade point average (GPA) in his or her first two years in pre-Pharmacy and a minimum 3.0 GPA while enrolled in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) graduates of Chatham High School, Chatham, VA; 2) students from Danville Community College, Danville, VA; 3) residents of Pittsylvania County, VA; 4) residents of the State of NC; 5) Scholarship Committee selection

Redding, Bobbie Newman NAW Law

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Law School who meets one of the following: 1) second or third year law students with prior work or military experience; 2) enrolled students who experienced an unexpected emergency that caused financial hardship; 3) students in need of financial assistance to prevent an interruption of matriculation for financial reasons

Religion Faculty Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate need.

Religion Faculty Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who demonstrate need in the Religion Department, 

Rev. J. E. Allard Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) any members of a church served by The Reverend J. E. Allard; 2) any qualified students

Rev. J. Marshall Neathery Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School based on financial need, academic performance, good conduct, good citizenship, community service and other such similar criteria.

Rev. Jean Austin Sidlo Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students pursuing an MACM or MDiv in Childrens Ministry; 2) students pursuing the Children's Ministry Certificate in addition to the MACM or MDiv degrees; 3) students pursuing an MACM or MDiv in Early Childhood Education

Rev. Steely S. Green Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Sampson County; 2) residents of NC

Reverend I. T. and Ester Stroud Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School.

Richard A. Lord Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to rising second year students in the Law School who are members in good academic standing of the Robert C. Bryan Senate of Delta Theta Phi or its successor.

Richard and Anne Fries Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry.

Richard H. Fishwick Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Richard H. Morefield College of Arts and Sciences Endowment

The scholarship will be awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee to an eligible undergraduate student(s) with the following preferences: 1) English major, 2) College of Arts & Sciences major, 3) interest in being part of ROTC.

Richard L. Braun Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the criminal law area.

Richard McKinney Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students pursuing a degree in the field of Journalism.

Richard Thomas Campbell & John Leslie Campbell Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Riley's Creek Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Riley's Creek Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Wilmington Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church in the State of NC

Rite Aid Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy, needy full-time students pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Robert A. Dyer Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need in the Law School.

Robert A. Harris Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and potential leadership in the School of Business.

Robert A. Jenkins Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Robert A. Nery, Jr. Family Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are English majors with the Teacher Licensure designation or is a Social Work major or is in the Special Education Program. If no other students can be identified in the areas above then to any program of study within the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Eastern NC; 2) residents of NC; 3) residents of the United States; 4) any students residing in an international country meeting admission and enrollment criteria

Robert and Alice Coleman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrates great promise for Christian ministry.

Robert and Ann Warren Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate considerable promise for Christian ministry.

Robert and Annie K. Clawson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of the study of law. Preferences: 1) Scholarship Committee selection

Robert and Charlotte Cook Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Robert and Doris B. Bradsher Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of New Hope Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC

Robert and Elizabeth Harris Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Robert and Patricia Barker Criminal Justice Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Criminal Justice.

Robert and Patricia Barker Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate and/or graduate students in the School of Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Fuquay-Varina, NC; 2) residents of Wake County or Harnett County, NC; 3) residents of NC

Robert and Sadie Neel Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate need.

Robert and Su Lou Wellons Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) residents of the State of NC

Robert F. Whaley Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the PharmD program. Preferences: 1) students pursuing a pharmacy degree after having completed a bachelor's degree in another discipline

Robert G. Shelton Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) Pharmacy students from either the State of KY or WV; 2) Pharmacy students from NC

Robert H. and Sadie O. Neel Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Teacher Education Program and intend to pursue a career in teaching upon graduation. Preferences: 1) students from Wayne County; 2) any worthy Education major

Robert J. Murtagh Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Robert L. Fitch Family Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who are from the greater Richmond, VA region with academic merit and demonstrated financial need. Preferences: 1) graduate of a private, public or home school in Richmond, VA, Chesterfield County, VA, Henrico County, VA or other areas in close proximity to Richmond, VA

Roger and Mildred White Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students preparing for International Missions pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree; 2) international students preparing for the ministry with the intent of returning to their native country to minister

Rogers/Coates Memorial Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Music Department. Preferences: 1) students preparing for careers in church music

Romulous and Bess Hall Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Religion during their third and/or fourth year of study. Preferences: 1) students who have financial need

Ronald and Suzan Maddox Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy who demonstrate need.

Ronald Franklin Turner Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) married students from Columbus County

Ronnie Scott Holuby Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) fourth year Doctor of Pharmacy students who plan to work for the federal government; 2) third year Doctor of Pharmacy students who plan to work for the federal government

Ross and Russellene Angel Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Guilford County; 2) residents of NC; 3) any qualified student

Roy J. and Doris Smith Divinity Endowment

This Scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Russell and Gertrude Perry Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate academic ability and have financial need. Preferences: 1) students enrolled in the Law School

Russell Curtis Hill Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Ruth Alford Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Fairmont; 2) students from Robeson County, NC

Ruth and Willard Small Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Columbus County, NC; residents of the State of NC

Ruth Carter Memorial Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students engaged in a course of study in preparation for ministry on the basis of need only.

Salemburg Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Samuel and Eleanor Wight Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time working graduate students in the School of Education.

Samuel and Helen Mennear Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Sara G. and Ben Fisher Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in teacher education.

Sarah Turner Barefoot Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School.

Sarah Virginia Hackney Government Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Government and who possess strong leadership characteristics and indicate academic ability. Preferences: 1) residents of New Hanover County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC; 3) all other qualifying students

SBA Past Presidents Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to the student currently serving as the Student Bar Association president in the Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law.

Scholar, Amanda W. Divinity Fund

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) married and commuting students working on a Master of Divinity degree; 2) single commuting students with children working on a Master of Divinity degree; 3) students currently serving part-time in a Baptist congregation and working on a Master of Divinity degree

School of Business Student Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Business.

School of Education Endowed Alumni Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Education.

School of Pharmacy Alumni Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, having financial need and pursuing a degree in the field of Pharmacy.

School of Pharmacy Class of 2008 Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time Doctor of Pharmacy students in good academic standing.

Seaburg-Massengill Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) first year Doctor of Pharmacy students with a GPA of 3.0 or greater

Sheila K. McLamb Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are interested in pursuing education and careers in the following fields: golf, business, entrepreneurship, engineering, law and holistic medicine. Preferences: 1) graduates of Saint Mary's School in Raleigh, NC

Sheldon L. and Mary L. Clarke Clement Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students whose concentration is in English and/or Journalism.

Shelton A. Lewis Golf Athletic Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to student athletes indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) students enrolled in the Professional Golf Management program; 2) students who are members of the Golf team or who will be eligible as entering freshmen

Sidney Kess Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in Trust Management.

Silver, Rachel Helen Mem CUSOM

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) second-year medical students at the end of his/her second year who have demonstrated a willingness and a passion to give back to his/her academic community as well as his/her local, regional and even national or international communities

Snyder Memorial Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC

Sol Marshall Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to a student indicating academic ability in the Law School. Preferences: 1) first-year Law student and renewed each subsequent year of enrollment to the degree that said student remains in good academic standing

Southeastern Trust School Business Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who are undergraduate Trust Management majors in the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Stacy B. and Robert B. Hall Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students from Davie County, NC; 2) students from Cumberland County, NC; 3) Scholarship Committee selection

Stan Beard Biology Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate full-time students who are pursuing a major in Biology or Biochemistry, or any other major that from time to time may be offered by the Dept. of Biological Sciences; and/or who are otherwise eligible for medical missions internships approved by the Dept. of Biological Sciences, and who has demonstrated financial need, has successfully completed 30 credit hours of required and elective courses at Campbell University, and has achieved at the time of the scholarship award an overall 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale; and when applicable, has maintained an overall 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale during that academic period for which said award was made.

Stearns, Anna V. Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) full-time or FLEX program law students who demonstrate determination and resiliency by overcoming significant obstacles in life, such as socio-economic or education hardships or other major challenges and whose background otherwise resembles that of the honored alumna; 2) full-time graduate students in the Law School who demonstrate need

Stephen White Prince Religion Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Steve and Gayle Adams Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Steve and Gayle Adams Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the Law School. Preferences: 1) financial need; 2) Christian faith and dedication; 3) residents of Harnett or Wake Counties

Steve J. Fermanides Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Strickland Insurance Group Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) having financial need and desiring to pursue a business degree as an undergraduate or in the 3/2 graduate program

Sue and B. W. Jenkins Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate academic ability and have financial need. Preferences: 1) students who indicate an active interest in a business career

Sue and Leon Burgess Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time international students.

Sue Worthington and Garland Tuton Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Trust Management

Surles, L. Stuart Pharmacy #3

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

Susanna Murray Klimczak Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Business.

Susie A. Danner Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Catawba County; 2) residents of Harnett County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Susie A. Danner Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to eligible, needy and worthy students in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County, NC; 2) any other students in the School of Pharmacy

Susie Danner Living Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to eligible, worthy, needy students who are pursuing a degree in Education. Preferences: 1) students from Catawba County; 2) any students in the School of Education

Symonds Family Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Preferences: 1) student with a demonstrated financial need; 2) students with a strong interest in pursuing a career in the pharmaceutical industry; 3) students with a GPA of 3.0 or a student with a significant improvement in GPA; 4) Scholarship Committee selection

T. J. Holmes Class of 2009 Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in good academic standing in the Doctor of Pharmacy program.

Talmadge and Gracie Infinger Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Taylor, Fred & Alliene Nursing

The scholarship will be awarded by the CPHS Scholarship Committee to eligible undergraduate students with the following preferences: Student(s) with demonstrated financial need who are NC residents and have been accepted into the School of Nursing. 

Taylor-Tate-Whitesell Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry. Preferences: 1) residents of Vass, Montgomery County or Moore County

The Doris Allen Jackson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

The L. Stuart Surles School of Osteopathic Medicine Endowed Scholarship #3

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Osteopathic Medicine Endowed Scholarship #4

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Osteopathic Medicine Endowed Scholarship Fund #2.

The purpose of this fund is to award one or more scholarships in each year to a student(s) who is enrolled full-time in the Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine. Preference for the award shall be given as follows: i) a student who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; and ii) a student who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship #2

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship #4

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship #5

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship #6

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowed Scholarship #7

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Preferences: 1) students who completed secondary education in Harnett County, NC; 2) students who completed secondary education in North Carolina. 

The L. Stuart Surles School of Pharmacy Endowment #1

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Pharmacy School. Preferences: 1) students from Wake Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC; 2) students from NC

The William Bill C. Smith Biology/Chemistry Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated need, exhibit positive character traits, have at least a 2.5 GPA, and will be majoring in chemistry, biology or biochem. Preferences: 1) students from NC that have goals to teach science; 2) students from SC that have goals to teach science; 3) students from NC; 4) students from SC

Theo Strum Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are pursuing a degree in the field of Education to include undergraduate studies, a masters degree or a doctoral degree in Education. Preferences: 1) residents of Person, Alamance and Caswell counties; 2) residents of Durham County; 3) residents of NC

Theodore and Freda Fisher Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who declare an interest in majoring in Education.

Thomas Abraham Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Pharmacy School who are in good academic standing, exhibit financial need and exemplifies the honorable characteristics of Dr. Thomas Abraham.

Thomas and Anne Bell Keith Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) graduates of a Cumberland County public high school; 2) residents of Cumberland County; 3) residents of NC

Thomas and Isabelle Rich Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Garland Baptist Church; 2) members of First Baptist Church of Fairmont; 3) residents of Robeson County; 4) residents of NC

Thomas and Janet Ward Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Students must demonstrate a commitment to full-time Christian ministry as a pastor or related career of ministry.

Thomas and Judith Folwell Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a bachelor's degree in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County; 2) resident of the State of NC

Thomas and Judith Folwell Trust Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in the field of Trust Management.

Thomas and Maise Freeman Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Thomas and Shirley Lewis Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Robeson County; 2) residents of NC; 3) any other qualified applicants

Thomas and Shirley Lewis Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Robeson County; 2) residents of NC; 3) any other qualified applicants

Thomas F. and June Lanier Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Greensboro; 2) residents of Guilford County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Thomas Hartwell Campbell, Leslie Vann Campbell, and Neal Pearson Campbell Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in Communications.

Thomas Henry Furman Memorial Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the School of Pharmacy. Preferences: 1) students who demonstrate a commitment to Christian principles

Thomas Lanier Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School.

Thomas W. and Rachel D'Alonzo Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the School of Pharmacy.

Tiffany Storey Memorial Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate full-time students. Criteria: 1) undergraduate science majors pursuing a career in health sciences; 2) financial need; 3) essay written by student answering question, "What experience or person inspired you to pursue a career in health sciences?"

Tina and William H. Poole Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and having financial need, who have received a calling to the Christian ministry and are members of the Baptist denomination.

Todd and Elva Scarborough Trust Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management.

Tom and Edith Rich / First Baptist Church of Fairmont Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) members of First Baptist Church of Fairmont; 2) members of a Baptist church affiliated with the Robeson County Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist church affiliated with the North Carolina Baptist State Convention

Tom and Jo M. Womble Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Eastern North Carolina, "Eastern" being defined as residents of North Carolina domiciled east of Interstate 95; 2) all other students

Trinity Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Trinity Baptist Church or former members of Trinity Baptist Church who have transferred their membership due to relocation

Trust Management Alumni Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability who are Trust Management majors.

Tucker History Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in History. Preferences: 1) top two female History students

Valera and Stacy Hall Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students at the Law School.

Vann J. Bass Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) scholarships or other support for students from underserved populations in the United States and enrolled in programs at the Divinity School such as HTEP; 2) scholarships or other support for students who are serving underserved populations in the United States and enrolled in any Divinity Programs; 3) payment of compensation and other expenses for persons and endeavors determined to be relevant to the fulfillment of the goals and purposes of the Fund

Venna Shelley Anderson Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Horry County, SC or Columbus County, NC; 2) residents of NC

Verda and Hartwell Campbell Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Pharmacy indicating academic ability and having financial need.

Virgil and Annie Kidd Family Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who worked in the Carrie Rich Memorial Library as an undergraduate and/or willing to work in the Library as a Divinity student.

Virgil and Annie McDonald Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Virginia and Malbert Smith Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Greystone Baptist Church; 2) members of Yates Baptist Association; 3) any other qualified applicants

W. Carlton and Lynell B. Martin and J. H. and S. W. Autry Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Clement Missionary Baptist Church, Autryville, NC; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

W. W. and Martha K. Small Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy, needy students. Preferences: 1) students in the Law School; 2) students in Graduate School; 3) students in Undergraduate School

Wade Baptist Church Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing an education at a Christian college. Preferences: 1) members of a family of the Wade Baptist Church, Wade, NC who have received a Christian calling to the ministry; 2) any students who have received a Christian calling to the ministry

Wakefield/Farris Div End Sch

This scholarship is awarded to full-time or part-time students in the Divinity School who are pursuing their theological education.

Walter and Eunice Wood Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Walter and Lorrine Jones Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of DeBaun Baptist Church, Chesapeake, VA; 2) members of Riverview Baptist Church, Washington, NC; 3) members of Calvary Baptist Church, Jacksonville, NC; 4) members of Cedar Forks Baptist Church, Beulaville, NC; 5) members of Conway Baptist Church, Conway, NC

Walter S. Barge Memorial College of Arts and Sciences Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing any major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preferences : 1) any student who has been accepted in the College of Arts and Sciences and is a resident of NC; 2) any student that has been accepted in the College of Arts and Sciences

Warsaw Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Warsaw Baptist Church; 2) residents of Duplin County; 3) residents of the State of NC

Wayne and Nancy Oakes Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who have average academic standing, committed to the Christian ministry, and struggling to meet the financial demands of raising a family and attending school. Preferences: 1) residents of the States of NC or VA

Wayne Neal Memorial Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program and in good academic standing. Preferences: 1) students with a strong interest in community pharmacy

Wells Fargo Undergraduate Trust/Wealth Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the Trust and Wealth Management program of the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business.

Wensell and Marion Grabarek Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

Wesley and Effie Burns Golf Management Business Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Professional Golf Management Program. Preferences: 1) residents of Moore County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

Wesley and Ruth Enzor Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

Westfield Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Westfield Baptist Church; 2) members of a Baptist church in the Little River Baptist Association; 3) members of a Baptist Church in the State of NC

Westwood Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Westwood Baptist Church

White, Mackie & Judy F-W Trust

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the Trust program of the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business. Preferences: 1) Trust majors from Franklin County; 2) Trust majors from Harnett County, NC; 3) Trust majors from NC

Wiley and Christine Gilbert Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

William and Barbara Richardson Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) residents of NC

William and Betty Green Music Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who display ability and potential in the field of music.

William and Catherine Bolen Education Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Teacher Education and who have been formally admitted to Teacher Education.

William and Dorthy Burns Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Durham; 2) residents of Durham County; 3) residents of the State of NC

William and Elizabeth Allen Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Harnett County who demonstrate financial need

William and Kathleen Norris Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

William and Lela Marshburn Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School.

William and Marie Phelps General Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability. Preferences: 1) students in foreign language; 2) students in business education

William and Royce Kimbrough Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of the State of NC

William and Sadie Byrd Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time eligible, needy, worthy male ministerial students.

William and Sadie Byrd Divinity Endowment #2

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School and who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

William and Sadie Byrd Divinity Endowment #3

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students enrolled in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

William and Sybil Pope Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) residents of Harnett County/Columbus County, NC; 2) residents of the State of NC

William Andrew Tullis School of Business Trust Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the School of Business. Preferences: 1) students pursuing a major in the field of Trust Management; 2) students in the School of Business

William E. and Lydia K. Cagle Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who are residents of Montgomery County

William M. Womble, Sr. Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students indicating academic need in the Divinity School who demonstrate great promise for Christian ministry.

William Morris CUSOM Manipulative Medicine Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students who excel in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Preferences: 1) recipients who have earned a minimum 3.0 GPA and an OMM GPA of 3.5 at the time of the Committee selection; 2) recipients must participate as a teacher's assistant for the OMM Department in their second year; 3) recipients must demonstrate a willingness and ability to help others

William R. and Delcie M. Wakefield Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time or part-time students in any degree program in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students who exemplify or show promise for the kinds of and commitment to ministry as embodied by William R. and Delcie M. Wakefield; 2) Scholarship Committee selection

William Robert Denning Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to worthy, needy students in the Law School.

William S. Terrell Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability, having financial need, and promise of future usefulness to his/her community. Preferences: 1) children of veteran alumni; 2) children of veterans; 3) students in the ROTC program indicating need; 4) other qualified students

William W. Taylor, Jr. Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Law School.

William Whit and Dorothy Moose Pharmacy Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students who express a keen interest in independent community pharmacy and writes an essay to the Scholarship Committee on the topic "The Future of Independent Community Pharmacy."

Williams, Glenwood Mem Pharmacy

This scholarship is awarded to full-time Doctor of Pharmacy students who have overcome challenges and/or difficulties while pursuing their education.

Willis and Marguerite Gupton Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability and pursuing a degree in the field of study of Trust Management.

Willis Wichard / Junius Allison Law Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Law.

Woodrow and Barbara Bass Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) members of Snyder Memorial Baptist Church; 2) residents of NC

Woodrow and Ruby Neal Divinity/Education Endowment - DIV

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and/or the School of Education. Preferences: 1) recommendation from the Honorees, if they so choose, and as long as they both shall live; 2) any deserving students as recommended by the Selection Committee of the Divinity School and/or the School of Education

Woodrow and Ruby Neal Divinity/Education Endowment - EDU

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Divinity School and/or the School of Education. Preferences: 1) recommendation from the Honorees, if they so choose, and as long as they both shall live; 2) any deserving students as recommended by the Selection Committee of the Divinity School and/or the School of Education

Woodrow and Ruth Maynard Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate full-time students. Preferences: 1) students who have lived in foster care of adopted at birth or after; 2) students who are pursuing a career in education or social work

Worth and Nicole Eason Croom Undergraduate Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to student(s) enrolled full time in a undergraduate program within the College of Arts and Sciences. The following is criteria for the award in order of preference: 1) Resident of Harnett County, NC, 2) Resident of Wake County, NC, 3) Resident of NC.

Wright, Joseph Foundation Law

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Law School. Preferences: 1) applicants who graduated from a high school in Cleveland County, NC; 2) applicants who graduated from a high school located in a county immediately surrounding Cleveland County, NC; 3) applicants who graduated from a high school located in NC; 4) applicants based on financial need as determined by the Scholarship Committee

Yates Family Pharmaceutical Science Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to full-time students in the Bachelor's in Pharmaceutical Sciences program and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or higher. Preferences: 1) rising senior B.S.P.S. students within one year of expected graduation who are engaged in laboratory research expected to be described or published in a national forum; 2) rising junior B.S.P.S. students within two years of expected graduation who are engaged in laboratory research; 3) any B.S.P.S. students who have the opportunity to attend an appropriate national professional meeting

Zebulon Baptist Church Divinity Endowment

This scholarship is awarded to students indicating academic ability in the Divinity School. Preferences: 1) students from Wake County

Zinkhan, F. Christian Business

This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students. Preferences: 1) undergraduate majors in finance with residence in NC with secondary preference with residence in Maryland, Dr. Zinkhan's home state; 2) undergraduate students with a business major with residence in NC with secondary preference in Maryland, Dr. Zinkhan's home state